VN’s Foreign Policy in an Era of Rising Sino-U.S. Competition
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Vietnam’s Foreign Policy in an Era of Rising Sino-U.S. Competition: Providing Equity to the Major Powers While Pursuing Proactive International Integration
Carlyle A. Thayer
Vietnam is a semi-authoritarian
one-party state ruled by the Vietnam Communist Party (VCP). Vietnam’s political
system parallels that of China and other Marxist-Leninist statesthat have now
passed into history. Vietnam’s political system is a mono-organizational
socialist system.[1]
This is a system in which the party exercises hegemonic control over state
institutions, the armed forces and mass organizations in society through the
penetration of these institutions by party cells and committees. Senior party
members form the leadership nucleus of the state apparatus, National Assembly,
the People’s Armed Forces and the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF, Mat Tran To
The VFF is an umbrella
organization grouping twenty-nine registered mass organizations (women, workers,
peasants, youth) and special interest groups (professional, religious etc.). The
leaders of mass organizations normally serve on the party Central Committee. All
organizations affiliated with the VFF are funded by the state.
In late 1986 Vietnam adopted a
reform program known as
Mới or renovation. Vietnam
opened its doors to foreign investment and gradually transformed its
Soviet-styledcentrally planned economy into a “market economy with socialist
characteristics.” Vietnam’s opening up resulted in an expansion of Vietnam’s
external relations beyond those of the socialist bloc and non-aligned movement
to Japan, Australia, the United States and Europe.
As Vietnam began to integrate
itself in the global economy it sought development assistance from its new
partners and international non-governmental organizations (INGOs). Foreign aid
agencies and INGOS attempted to apply their own model of development to Vietnam
in the hopes of creating space for civil society by privileging the role of
domestic “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs).[2]
In practice this meant pursuing “bottom up” approaches that stressed
participatory development and gender and ethnic equality.
This approach to development was
problematic in the sense that there were no autonomous NGOs in Vietnam. All mass
organizations and their affiliates were state-sponsored and funded and formed
part of the VFF’s organizational matrix.[3]
In other words Vietnam’s mass organizations were not authentic representatives
of civil society.
As the reforms ushered in by
Mới began to take hold
state-society relations began to alter. In the 1990s there was an upsurge of
organizational activity at all levels in Vietnam.[4]A
plethora of networks and groups emerged. In particular, an explosive growth of
non-government voluntary community-based associations (CBOs) took place at
grassroots level. They took a leading role in managing natural resources,
combating environmental pollution, promoting sustainable development, income
generation, and disseminating knowledge. These new groups may be grouped into
nine categories: political, mass organization, business, commercial and
professional, science and technology, arts and culture, social welfare/NGO,
religious, friendly associations and public affairs.[5]
Vietnamese so-called NGOs and CBOs
viewed their role quite differently from their foreign counterparts. First, they
saw themselves as partners working on development projects in support of state
policy. Second, they viewed themselves as advocates for improved state services.
And finally, they viewed themselves as representative of marginalized groups and
lobbied the state to change policy. In this role Vietnamese NGOs attempted to
negotiate and educate state officials rather than confront them as a tactic to
bring about change. In other words, the activities of Vietnamese “NGOs” were in
direct support of existing government programs or in support of larger
state-approved policy goals (national development or poverty alleviation). Over
time, however, Vietnamese “NGOs” expanded their role to include advocacy for
their constituents. They began to directly engage government agencies to advise
them on new techniques and ways of achieving government objectives.
The growth of grassroots
organizational activity outpaced Vietnam’s ability to develop a regulatory
framework that was relevant to such a diversity of groups. Some CBOs operated
relatively independently of the state. Although their legal status was ambiguous
they were generally tolerated. But they were always at risk if their activities
touched on politically sensitive issues[6]
This effervescence in Vietnamese
society led to the weakening of Vietnam’s mono-organizational socialist system
and opened spacefor individuals and small groups to challenge Vietnam’s
one-party system.[7]
In the mid-to late-1990s Vietnam witnessed public protests on such highly
sensitive political issues as religious freedom, human rights and democratic
reform. The introduction of the internet provided the means for individuals and
groups to overcome their physical isolation and form networks in cyber space.[8]
By 2006 at least eleven
identifiable organizations could be identified: Alliance for Democracy,
Association of Former Political Prisoners, Committee for Human Rights,
Democratic Party of Vietnam, Free Journalists Association of Vietnam, National
Salvation Committee, People’s Democratic Party of Vietnam,21st Century Democracy
Party, United Workers-Farmers Association, Vietnam Populist Party and the
Vietnam Progress Party. Generally, these groups were small and lacked a large
geographicfootprint but they marked the first steps in the emergence of
political civil society in Vietnam. Because these groups stood outside the legal
framework for “NGOs” and CBOs and were considered illegal by the state.
In summary, the development of
political civil society in Vietnam created a nexus between public opinion from
below and the one-party state. As Vietnam opened up and integrated itself in the
global economy Vietnamese political activists sought to influence foreign policy
by enlisting public support on a number of issues ranging from religious
freedom, human rights, democracy, environmental issues, and territorial disputes
with China in the East Sea (South China Sea).
The linkage between domestic
factors and foreign policy in Vietnam is discussed below in six parts. Part one
provides an overview of the key elements of Vietnam’s foreign policy framework.
Part two discusses domestic factors that impact on foreign policy. Part three
identifies key issues driving Vietnam’s foreign policy. Part four reviews how
Vietnam conducts its relations with the major power. Part five views Vietnam’s
efforts to promote international integration. Part six concludes the paper with
an evaluation of the implications of these developments for the United States.
Part 1 Foreign Policy Framework
This section discusses four major
themes that form Vietnam’s foreign policy framework: independence and
self-reliance, multilateralization and diversification of external relations,
struggle and cooperation, and proactive international integration.
The first major theme of Vietnam’s
current foreign policy is the stress on independence and self-reliance. This is
based on three historical legacies (1) resistance to foreign intervention during
the colonial and post-colonial era, (2) as a member of the socialist camp when
Vietnam was caught in the crossfire of the Sino-Soviet dispute, and (3) as an
ally of a declining Soviet Union during its decade-long intervention in
Cambodia. Vietnam was left isolated when the Soviet Union collapsed in late
1991. According to Vietnam’s Defense White Paper, “Vietnam consistently realizes
the foreign guideline of independence [and] self-reliance…”[9]
This is exemplified by its national defense policy of three no’s: “Vietnam
consistently advocates neither joining any military alliances nor giving any
other countries permission to have military bases or use its soil to carry out
military activities against other countries.”[10]
The second major theme of
Vietnamese foreign policy is the multilateralization and diversification of
external relations. On May 20, 1988, the VCP Politburo adopted a seminal policy
document known as Resolution No. 13 entitled, "On the Tasks and Foreign Policy
in the New Situation." This policy document codified Vietnam’s foreign policy
objectives by giving priority to economic development and calling for a
“multi-directional foreign policy” orientation with the goal of making “more
friends, fewer enemies” (them ban bot thu). Specifically, Resolution 13
called for Vietnam’s extrication from the conflict in Cambodia in order to
normalize relations with China, develop relations with members of the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Japan, Europea and
“step-by-step” normalize relations with the United States.[11]
The next iteration of Vietnam’s
“multi-directional foreign policy” took place at the VCP’s Seventh National
Congress held from June 24-27, 1991. The Seventh Congress now called for Vietnam
to “diversify and multilateralize economic relations with all countries and
economic organizations . . . regardless of different socio-political systems.”[12]The
Political Report gave priority to relations with the Soviet Union, Laos,
Cambodia, China, Cuba, other “communist and workers’ parties,” the “forces
struggling for peace, national independence, democracy and social progress,”
India, and the Non-Aligned Movement.
Significantly the Political Report
called for the development of “relations of friendship” with Southeast Asia,
mutually beneficial relations with northern and Western European countries,
Japan, other developed countries and the normalization of relations with the
United States.[13]
Vietnam achieved success in meeting these objectives. During the period from
1991-95 Vietnam normalized its relations with all members of ASEAN, China,
Japan, Europe and the United States.[14]By
1995 Vietnam expanded the number of countries it had diplomatic relations with
from twenty-three in 1989 to 163.
Vietnam’s policy of
multilateralizing and diversifying its foreign relations was endorsed by all
subsequent national party congresses from the eighth (1996) to the most recent.
For example, the Political Report to the twelfth national congress held in
January 2016 stated, “To ensure successful implementation of foreign policy and
international integration… consistently carry out the foreign policy of
independence, autonomy, peace, cooperation and development... [and] diversify
and multilateralize external relations.”
The third major theme of Vietnam’s
foreign policy is “cooperation and struggle.” Vietnam’s Resolution No. 13 on May
1988 introduced the concept of national interest (loiichdantoc) for the
first time. After relations with China were normalized in 1991 it soon became
apparent that the two socialist states had differing national interests,
particularly over the South China Sea (discussed below). After the normalization
of relations with the United States in 1995, it also became apparent that
socialist Vietnam and the U.S. had convergent national interests.
In July 2003, the VCP Central
Committee issued Resolution No. 8, “On Defense of the Homeland in the New
Situation.” This resolution noted that there were often instances of friction
and disagreement with friendly countries and areas of cooperation and convergent
interests with opposing countries. Resolution No. 8 adopted the twin concepts of
“objects or partners of cooperation” and “objects of struggle,” doitacanddoituong,
Prior to the adoption of Resolution No. 8 China was classified as a friendly
country because it was socialist and the United States was viewed as an
opponent. Resolution No. 8 sanctioned cooperation with both friendly and
opposing countries and struggling against any country that harmed Vietnam’s
national interests.
In 2013, on the tenth anniversary
of Resolution No. 8, the VCP Poliburto conducted a review of the implementation
of this resolution and reaffirmed the policy of “cooperation and struggle.”
The fourth major theme of
Vietnam’s foreign policy isthe promotion of international integration. As noted
above, Vietnam first promoted economic integration and then extended this to
political-economic integration. In 2011, the eleventh national party congress
endorsed Vietnam’s proactive international integration. The Political Report to
the twelfth and most recent national congress in 2016 stated, “To ensure
successful implementation of foreign policy and international integration…
[Vietnam must] be proactive and active in international integration; to be a
friend, reliable partner, and a responsible member of the international
Part 2 Domestic Factors
This section discusses three major
factors that influence the foreign policy decision-making process in Vietnam:
(1) the sources of political legitimacy of Vietnam’s one-party state, (2) elite
factionalism within the VCP, and (3) new domestic actors
The origins of the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam (SRV) date back to establishment of the Democratic Republic
of Vietnam (DRV) in 1954 following the partition of Vietnam. In 1975 Vietnam was
reunified. Since 1954 the VCP has based its claim to political legitimacy on
three sources: patriotism and nationalism, legal-rational authority and
performance legitimacy.
The VCP was founded in 1930 and
successfully mobilized the Vietnamese people to resist and defeat successive
foreign interventions, as noted above. The VCP appealed to patriotism and
nationalism to overcome regional and religious differences. However, after
reunification the VCP’s appeals to nationalism fell on deaf ears to Vietnamese
both inside Vietnam and abroad who had supported the southern Republic of
Vietnam (1955-75); they were denigrated as American puppets.[16]
In 1976 Le Duan, party leader from
1960-86, declared that, “this nation and socialism are one.”[17]
However, during the period from 1976-86 patriotism and nationalism, while still
important sources of regime legitimacy, were overtaken by the VCP’s emphasis on
legal-rational legitimacy. During this period the VCP imposed its
mono-organizational socialist model on the south. This was exemplified by the
adoptionof Vietnam’s 2nd Five-Year Plan (1976-81) and the promulgation of a new
state constitution in 1980.
After 1986, Marxist-Leninist
ideology was watered down as the VCP began promoting “the thoughts of Ho Chi
Minh” to undergird its legitimacy.[18]
The VCP’s emphasis on economic renovation soon became the regime’s prime source
of legitimacy, performance legitimacy. During the 1990s Vietnam’s Gross Domestic
Product grew at nearly seven percent a year and averaged 6.47 percent from 2000
until 2016.
The second factor influencing
foreign policy is elite factionalism. Despite the alteration in state-society
relations due to the explosive growth of grassroots-level organizations and the
creation of a growing private sector as a result of high economic growth, the
inner workings of Vietnam’s power structure remain opaque. Scholars and other
analysts have used elite factionalism as a heuristic device to analyze policy
During the Cold War scholars and
analysts debated whether there were pro-Soviet and pro-Chinese factions in the
After reunification, scholarly attention turned to discerning whether there were
conservative or reformist factions within the VCP; one scholar posited three
groups: ideologues, rent seekers and modernizers.[20]
As Vietnam’s territorial dispute with China in the South China Sea took center
stage (see below), scholars and analysts began debating how to characterize
leadership alignments in Vietnam’s one-party state. Some argued that they
discerned pro-China and pro-U.S. factions. This author has argued that there are
no pro-China and pro-American factions in Vietnam and the leadership is divided
on how to manage relations with these two powers (see discussion on the HD 981
crisis below).
In the lead up to the VCP’s
twelfth national congress it became clear that Vietnam’s leadership was divided
over the issue of democratic centralism and collective leadership within the
party itself. During the ten-year tenure of Politburo member and Prime Minister
Nguyen Tan Dung, the Office of the Prime Minster (and the state apparatus)
emerged arguably as a more powerful institution than the VCP. The Prime Minister
presided over a period of high economic growth and pushed a “Vietnam first
policy” of building up huge state enterprises known as conglomerates. As a
result a patron-client network emerged under Dung and some its beneficiaries
became corrupt.
When Prime Minister Dung attempted
to prolong his hold on office by seeking special exemptions to age restrictions
and tenure limitations to become party Secretary General, an “anything but Dung”
coalition formed behind the incumbent party leader Nguyen PhuTrong.[21]
Dung lost and retired. Trong was appointed for an unprecedented third term on
the expectation that he would step down when a suitable replacement was found.
The third factor influencing
foreign policy has been the emergence of new domestics actors including retired
officials and members of what may be loosely termed political civil society.
Since reunification in 1976 the
political role of retired party members, state cadres and military veterans has
become more prominent especially as the sources of the VCP’s political
legitimacy have altered.[22]
Increasingly retired cadres and networks of retired officials have become active
writing petitions and open letters to the top party and state leaders on a
number of hot button policy issues, including environmental issues and relations
with China. As will be discussed in part three below, retired officials played a
prominent role in opposing bauxite mining and Chinese violation of Vietnamese
sovereignty in the South China Sea.
Between 2004-06, building on the
effervescence of organizational activity discussed previously, an unprecedented
number of political associations were formed consisting of little more than a
handful of non-party individuals. These new political groupings promoted
democracy, human rights, religious freedom and workers’ rights and confronted
Vietnam’s one-party state.[23]
In 2006, in a major new
development, pro-democracy activists and political groups coalesced into an
identifiable network, marking a new development in Vietnamese politics.[24]
On April 6, 2006, one hundred and sixteen persons issued an Appeal for Freedom
of Political Association that they distributed throughout Vietnam via the
Internet. OnApril 8, one hundred and eighteen persons issued a Manifesto on
Freedom and Democracy for Vietnam.[25]
These statements called upon the Vietnamese state to respect basic human rights
and religious freedom and to permit citizens to freely associate and form their
own political parties.[26]
These pro-democracy petitioners became known as Bloc 8406 after the date of
their founding manifesto.
Bloc 8406 represented a diverse
network of professionals primarily concentrated in urban centers throughout the
country, particularly in Hue, Ho Chi Minh City, HaiPhong, Hanoi, Da Nang and Can
Tho. Bloc 8406 produced a fortnightly publication, Tu Do Ngon Luan (Free
Speech) in both hardcopy and electronic format. By year’s end foreign observers
reported that the support base for Bloc 8406 had expanded to over two thousand,
many under the age of thirty.[27]
In August 2006, Bloc 8406 publicly
announced a four-phase program for democratization including the restoration of
civil liberties, establishment of political parties, drafting of a new
constitution and democratic elections for a representative National Assembly.[28]
Next, in October 2016 Bloc 8406 issued an open letter to government leaders who
were due to attend the annual summit of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
(APEC) forum in Hanoi at the end of the year. This appeal asked for their help
in promoting democracy in Vietnam. Shortly after Bloc 8406 formed a coalition
with the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam and the Vietnam Alliance for
Democracy and Human Rights.
After the APEC Summit security
authorities began cracking down on Bloc 8406 by arresting several of its high
profile leaders. They were given perfunctory trials and imprisoned. As a result
by 2009 Bloc 8406 was eviscerated.
In sum, Vietnam’s
Mới reform program shifted
the main basis of VCP legitimacy from nationalism and legal-rational authority
to performance legitimacy. This widened the scope for elite factionalism as the
state apparatus gained control over more resources and weakened the hegemonic
role of the VCP. Retired party members, state cadres and military veterans
increasingly voiced their views on both domestic and foreign policies. In
addition, voices from outside the traditional power structure began to agitate
for democratic reforms, religious freedom and other concerns.
Part 3 Key Issues Driving Foreign Policy
Throughout the period of the
Sino-Soviet dispute (1956-89) Vietnam’s foreign policy was the province of
political elites who made decisions without having to take into account public
opinion. As noted above, in 2006 pro-democracy and human rights activists made
the first major attempt in Vietnam to link domestic political reform with
foreign policy when they petitioned government leaders in advance of the APEC
summit in Hanoi.
This section reviews why relations
with China have become the key domestic driver in Vietnam’s current foreign
policy. Domestic activists in Vietnam have seized on at least two major issues
regarding relations with China, environmental concerns over resource extraction
and China’s threat to Vietnam’s sovereignty in the South China Sea. As relations
with China have assumed salience in domestic politics a number of lower order
issues have become embedded in this controversy, such as China’s huge trade
surplus, shoddy Chinese goods, the low quality of infrastructure projects, and
the importation of Chinese labor into Vietnam.
Public opinion regarding relations
with China has become so toxic that it poses a serious challenge to the
political legitimacy of Vietnam’s one-party regime. Anti-China activists accuse
their leaders of not standing up strongly enough to Beijing’s assertiveness in
the South China Sea. This undercuts the regime’s claim to patriotism and
nationalism as one of their main sources of political legitimacy.
Bauxite MiningControversy.In 2009 Vietnam’s leaders were confronted by a widespread elite coalition opposed to their plans to develop a bauxite mining industry in central Vietnam in collaboration with a Chinese company. Environmental issues related to toxic pollution of downstream waterways in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities became entwined with national security concerns about permitting a Chinese presence in Vietnam’s Central Highlands.
In 2006 Vietnam issued a tender
for bauxite mining. The bid was won by the China Aluminum Company (CHALCO) in
partnership with the Vietnam National Coal Mineral Industries Group (VINACOMIN).
A framework agreement between the two companies was signed in November 2006 on
the sidelines of the APEC Summit and was witnessed by China’s President Hu
CHALCO agreed to build two alumina plants, one at Nhan Co, DakNong province and
the other at Tan Rai, Lam Dong province.
During 2008 small numbers of
Vietnamese environmentalists and scientists voiced disquiet over plans to
develop bauxite mining in the absence of an environmental impact study. Their
voices were largely brushed aside. Then, in January 2009, the bauxite issue
suddenly became a national issue when General Vo Nguyen Giap issued the first of
three open letters (January 5, April 9, 2009 and May 20, 2009). He argued that
bauxite mining would ruin the environment, displace indigenous ethnic minorities
and, most significantly, threaten national security with the influx of Chinese
workers into the strategic Central Highlands and by providing China with
economic leverage.
On April 30, 2009 an anti-bauxite
petition signed by one hundred and thirty-five scholars and intellectuals was
delivered to the National Assembly. The petition stated, “China has been
notorious in the modern world as a country causing the greatest pollution and
other problems.”[30]
On May 7, 2009 the fifty-fifth
anniversary of the battle of Dien Bien Phu, General Giap told visiting leaders
who came to wish him well, “I hope you pay attention to bauxite mining in the
Central Highlands. This is a strategic site of the country, which is very
important in defense and security, not only for Vietnam but for Indochina.”[31]Giap
was joined by retired General Nguyen TrongVinh, former ambassador to China, who
wrote an open letter calling on the Politburo to reconsider plans to let China
establish a permanent presence in the Central Highlands.[32]
According to one detailed study of
the bauxite controversy:
The public debate on bauxite mining developed into a national and international
controversy. The Prime Minister and other state authorities almost immediately
set in motion processes to control and clamp down on the public debate. Their
measures were both responsive and repressive. They included an injunction on the
domestic press from further reporting on the topic of bauxite mining in January
of 2009 and, later, arrests of bloggers and other more directly repressive
measures in the last half of 2009. However, state response also included
different types of dialogues with its critics, including a closed-door seminar
organized by the central branch of the Vietnamese Communist Party and chaired by
two Politburo members in February of 2009, a ‘Scientific Workshop’ co-organized
by the government’s Vietnam Union for Science and Technology Associations and
the Ministry of Industry and Trade in April 2009, and an explosive debate on
bauxite mining in the bi-annual meeting of the National Assembly in May and June
of 2009.[33]
By mid-2009, the
anti-bauxite network of the previous year had grown into a national coalition
including environmentalists, local residents, scientists, economists, retired
military officers and veterans, retired state officials, social scientists,
other academics and intellectuals, elements of the media, and National Assembly
deputies. These critics were all mainstream elite. They were joined by bloggers,
political dissidents and religious leaders representing the banned Unified
Buddhist Church of Vietnam and Redemptorist priests involved in land disputes
with local authorities in Hanoi the previous year.
On May 3t 2009, Cardinal Pham Minh
Man, the Archbishop of Saigon, issued a Pastoral Letter condemning the
exploitation of natural resources that damaged the environment and called on
Catholics to protest such development plans.[34]In
June, lawyer Cu Huy Ha Vu filed a lawsuit against the prime minister in the
Hanoi People’s Court.[35]
When the Court rejected this request on the grounds that it lacked competency in
this mater, Cu Hay Ha Vu filed an appeal to the People’s Supreme Court on July 3rd.
This quixotic legal protest was similarly dismissed.[36]
The anti-bauxite controversy of
2009 presented a novel public challenge to state authority. For the first time
the competency of the government to decide on large-scale development projects
was called into question by a broad national coalition of mainstream elites
including environmentalists, scientists, economists, social scientists, and
retired officials.[37]In
addition domestic critics raised the politically sensitive allegation that
China’s involvement in bauxite mining was a national security issue.
In sum, the bauxite mining
controversy represented a major challenge to the performance legitimacy of
Vietnam’s one-party state. As a result, the government was forced to modify its
plans to take environmental concerns and the impact on ethnic minorities into
account. The government agreed to permit the National Assembly, ministries and
local authorities to conduct regular reviews of how bauxite mining was being
implemented. Nevertheless, the Prime Minister and other government officials
asserted that bauxite mining was “a major policy of the party and state” and
would proceed.[38]In
May, in a token gesture, six Chinese companies were fined for failing to obtain
work permits for Chinese laborers at bauxite sites.[39]
South China Sea Dispute.
No foreign policy issue has raised such strong domestic public opinion as
Vietnam’s territorial dispute China over the South China Sea. The South Chia Sea
dispute emerged in 1992 shortly after Vietnam normalized relations with China
following a decade-long estrangement during the Cambodian conflict.
In February 1992, China’s National
People’s Congress passed the Law on Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone that
claimed all islands in the South China Sea, including the Paracel and Spratly
archipelagos. China’s law now put it on a collision course with Vietnam
regarding sovereignty claims in the South China Sea.This took the form of a
series of maritime incidents in the 1990s precipitated by China’s efforts to
explore for oil in waters falling within Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone or
It was not until 2007, however,
that China’s assertiveness in the South China Sea became a domestic issue. In
late 2007 Vietnam witnessed the first of regular public protests in Hanoi and
later in other metropolitan centers in response to Chinese actions in the South
China Sea, such as harassment of Vietnamese fishermen. Generally the regime
showed a degree of tolerance, allowing protesters to demonstrate outside the
Chinese Embassy in Hanoi or China’s Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City,
before being escorted away by public security officials.
From 2007 to the present, a number
of bloggers have taken to the internet to criticize not only China but their own
government for failing to stand up to China to protect Vietnam’s sovereignty.
During this period when China harassed Vietnamese fishermen or when Chinese
fishermen intruded into Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the government
responded by issuing diplomatic protests. On occasion Vietnam would deploy its
Maritime Police to chase Chinese fishermen out of Vietnamese waters and “muscle”
Chinese maritime enforcement ships operating in Vietnam’s EEZ.
HD 981 Crisis.
No incident was more serious than the crisis that erupted in early May-mid-July
2014 when Vietnam deployed the mega-oil drilling rig the
Hai Yang Shi You
981 (HD 981)in Vietnam’s
EEZ accompanied by an armada of warships, Coast Guard vessels, tug boats and
fishing trawlers that reached over one hundred in number at the height of the
crisis. China also dispatched military aircraft to over fly the area.
Vietnam responded by sending its
much smaller Coast Guard ships and Fishery Surveillance Force vessels to
confront the Chinese and order them out of Vietnam’s EEZ. China responded
aggressively by ramming Vietnamese ships and vessels and used high-powered water
canons to de-mast radio communications antennae from the bridges of Vietnamese
ships. Vietnamese maritime law enforcement vessels continued their unequal daily
confrontation but added a new twist by embedding foreign journalists on its
ships to film and report incidents at sea. Vietnam won a global propaganda war
against China when film was broadcast showing large Chinese vessels deliberately
ramming smaller Vietnamese boats.
The maritime crisis between
Vietnam and China continued for six weeks.During this periodVietnam’s adopted a
defensive posture by keeping it warships well out of the area where the daily
confrontation occurred. Vietnam also tried in vain to activate its hot line with
China. Over thirty Vietnamese demarches in May alone went unanswered including a
request that China receive a special envoy.
Nearly a week after China deployed
the HD 981 the VCP Central Committee convened its long scheduled ninth plenum
from May 8-14.
Although the agenda
included a number of domestic issues the meeting was overshadowed by the growing
maritime crisis.[41]A
heated debate erupted about how Vietnam should respond to China’s challenge to
Vietnamese sovereignty. However, the final communiqué issued after the plenum
resolved to closely monitor
the maritime standoff and called for a peaceful resolution of the dispute. This
gave the impression that
“it was business as usual” and gave no hint of internal party disagreements over
South China Sea policy.
On May 11, while the
Central Committee was in session, peaceful anti-China protests took place in
Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and other urban areas in response to graphic domestic TV
coverage of the confrontation. More seriously, anti-China protests by Vietnamese
workers on three industrial estates in Binh Duong, Dong Nai and Ha Tinh
provinces turned violent on May 13-14. Nearly
four hundred Chinese (and other
foreign-owned) enterprises were severely damaged or burned to the ground. China
responded by evacuating several thousand of its workers, demanded compensation
and imposed economic sanctions. Chinese tourism to Vietnam plummeted.
After the
ninth plenum, and in the face of Chinese diplomatic stonewalling, pressure
continued to build up within Vietnamese party and society at large to take legal
action against China. Prime Minister Dung became the most public advocate of
this action but stated that timing was crucial. Defense Minister PhungQuangThanh
went on record at the Shangri-La Dialogue that legal action was “a last resort.”On
June 18 China dispatched State Councilor Yang Jiechi to Hanoi for testy
consultations with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh.
In early July the VCP Politburo
reportedly voted overwhelmingly to hold a special meeting of the Central
Committee to discuss the HD 981 crisis and to consider taking international
legal action against China and, reportedly, consider dropping its defense policy
of “three no’s.”
On July 15, China
announced that it was withdrawing the HD 981 from Vietnamese waters. This took
the wind out of the sails of those calling for a special Central Committee
meeting. Nevertheless, on
July 28 sixty-one leading Vietnamese personalities signed an open letter
criticizing the government for its handling of relations with Beijing and called
for legal action and a lessening of Vietnam’s dependence on China by exiting
China’s orbit (thoattrung).
China’s actions in withdrawing the
HD 981 a month earlier than announced defused the crisis and led to the return
to diplomacy and difficult efforts to restore political trust.[42]
The 2014 HD 981
crisis demonstrated the efficacy of Vietnam’s policy of struggling and
cooperating with China. The daily confrontation between Chinese and Vietnamese
maritime law enforcement vessels demonstrated that Vietnam was capable of
“struggling against“China to demonstrate resolve in defending itsnational
interests. However, Vietnam
was also concerned to prevent any maritime incident from escalating to the point
of an armed clash with superior Chinese military forces and/or provoking China
to seize a feature that Vietnam presently occupied. The response by Vietnam’s
government of “cooperating and struggling” were carefully calibrated acts
designed to underscore Vietnam’s sovereignty without unduly provoking China.
The resolution of the HD 981
crisis did little to diffuse widespread anti-Chinese sentiment among the
Vietnamese public. The Vietnamese party-state responded to public opinion by
being more proactive in permitting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to issue
protests in response to Chinese actions that are perceived as infringing
Vietnamese sovereignty, territorial territory or peace and stability in the
South China Sea. Vietnamese textbooks are being gradually revived to take the
gloss off official historical accounts of Sino-Vietnamese relations. The
Vietnamese media has been given greater leeway to publish news that is critical
of China.
Part 4 Providing Equity to the Major Powers
Vietnam’s policy of
“multilateralizing and diversifying” its foreign relations took the strategy of
negotiating strategic partnership agreements with a range of countries. Between
2001 and 2016 Vietnam succeeded in reaching strategic partnership agreements
with sixteen countries and agreements on comprehensive partnerships with ten
others, including Australia and the United States. These agreements were broad
in scope and included among other things provisions for cooperation in foreign
affairs and defense and security. These agreements also included a joint
mechanism to manage bilateral relations and they were often accompanied by
multi-year Action Plans.
Vietnam sought to avoid being
caught in the middle of strategic rivalry between a rising China and the United
States by pursuing a multi-polar balance among five major powers – Russia,
India, Japan, China and the United States. The purpose of strategic partnerships
was to give each country equity in Vietnam to prevent Vietnam from being pulled
into a rival’s orbit and to enable Vietnam to maintain its strategic autonomy.
The sections below briefly examine Vietnam’s strategic partnerships with the
major powers.
Vietnam negotiated its first strategic partnership agreement with the Russian
Federation in March 2001 during the visit of President Vladimir Putin to Hanoi.[43]This
agreement set out broad-ranging cooperation in
eight major areas:
political-diplomatic, military equipment and technology, oil and gas
cooperation, energy cooperation for hydro and nuclear power, trade and
investment, science and
technology, education and training, and culture and tourism. In July 2012,
Vietnam and Russia raised their strategic partnership to a
strategic partnership on the occasion of a state visit to Moscow by President
Truong Tan Sang.[44]
The breadth of
Vietnam-Russia relations was illustrated in April 2015 when Vietnam and Russia
signed eight cooperation agreements in the fields of energy (oil, gas, and
nuclear), investment, banking (use of national currencies to promote bilateral
trade), health care, transport (aviation and rail) and agriculture.[45]
Russian arms sales to Vietnam are
the largest and most significant component of the strategic partnership,
followed by energy (oil, gas, hydropower and nuclear). The Russian Federation is
largest provider of military equipment and technology.
This assistance enables Vietnam modernize its armed forces and enhanceits
capacity to defend Vietnam’s sovereignty.[46]
In October
2006, Prime Ministers Shinzo Abe and Nguyen Tan Dung issued a Joint Statement
Toward a Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia.[47]A
year later during an official visit by Vietnam’s president, Japan and Vietnam
issued a Joint Statement that included a forty-four point Agenda Toward a
Strategic Partnership. This was divided into seven substantive areas: exchanges,
cooperation in policy dialogue, security and defence; comprehensive economic
partnership; improvement of the legal system and administrative reforms; science
and technology; climate change, environment, natural resources and technology;
mutual understanding between the peoples of the two countries; and cooperation
in the international arena.[48]
In March 2014, Vietnam and raised
their bilateral relations to an Extensive Strategic Partnership.
In July 2007,
India and Vietnam adopted a
33-point Joint Declaration on
Strategic Partnership that mapped out cooperation in five major areas:
political, defense and security cooperation; closer economic cooperation and
commercial engagement; science and technology cooperation, cultural and
technical cooperation and multilateral and regional cooperation.[49]
The Vietnam-India strategic
partnership set out six areas for cooperation: (1) strategic dialogue at vice
ministerial level; (2) defense supplies, joint projects, training cooperation
and intelligence exchanges; (3) exchange visits between their defense and
security establishments; (4) capacity building, technical assistance and
information sharing with particular attention to security of sea lanes,
anti-piracy, prevention of pollution and search and rescue; (5) counter
terrorism and cyber security; and (6) non-traditional security.[50]
In 2016, during the course of an
official visit by Prime Minister Modi to Hanoi, Vietnam and India raised their
bilateral relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership.
In June 2008, seventeen years after the normalization of relations, the leaders
of Vietnam and China agreed to raise their bilateral relations to a strategic
partnership. A year later this was upgraded to a strategic cooperative
In 2013 Vietnam and China raised their bilateral relations to a comprehensive
strategic cooperative partnership, the highest designation among all of
Vietnam’s strategic partners.
As strategic partners China and
Vietnam have developed a dense network of party, state, defense and multilateral
mechanisms to manage their bilateral relations including a Joint Steering
Committee at deputy prime minister level. There was a hiatus in bilateral
relations during the HD 981 crisis. After tensions were diffused the two sides
resumed high-level political, diplomatic and military exchanges. The
China-Vietnam Joint Steering Committee, the highest level coordination
mechanismthat oversees bilateral relations, has continued to meet.
United States.
Between 2010 and 2013 officials from Vietnam and the United State mulled the
idea of reaching an agreement on strategic partnership. In the end both sides
stepped back from this commitment and decided instead to adopt a Joint Statement
on Comprehensive Partnershipduring
the state
visit by President Truong Tan Sang to Washington in July 2013.[52]
The Vietnam-US comprehensive partnership basically codified nine major areas of
long-standing cooperation: political and diplomatic relations, trade and
economic ties, science and technology, education and training, environment and
health, war legacy issues, defence and security, protection and promotion of
human rights, and culture, sports, and tourism.[53]
The Joint Statement incorporated existing mechanisms for bilateral cooperation
such as the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement Council; the Joint
Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation; the Defense Policy
Dialogue; and the Political, Security, and Defense Dialogue, as well as a new
political and diplomatic dialogue mechanism between the U.S. Secretary of State
and Vietnam’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. There was no accompanying multi-year
Plan Action.
Subsequently, Vietnam and the United States adopted three seminal documents that
supplemented their comprehensive partnership:
Joint Vision
Statement on Defense Cooperation (June 1, 2015) between their defense ministers,[54]
Joint Vision Statement between President Barack Obama and Secretary General
Nguyen PhuTrong (July 7, 2015), and Joint Statement (May 23, 2016) between
President Tran Dai Quang and President Obama. During Obama’s visit to Vietnam in
May 2016 he announced the lifting of all restrictions on the sale of weapons to
When taken as a
whole, Vietnam’s web of strategic and comprehensive partnerships serve to
insulate Vietnam from Sino-US competition and provide Vietnam with the means to
maneuver among the major powers in order to protect its independence and
Part 5 Proactive International Integration
Vietnam’s foreign policy to promote international integration is long
standing.For example, Vietnam joined APEC in 1998, the World Trade Organization
in 2007 and was elected non-permanent member of the United Nations Security
Council for the 2008-09 term.In 2011, the eleventh national party congress
endorsed Vietnam’s “proactive, active international integration.”
April 10, 2013, the VCP Politburo issued Resolution No. 22-NQ/TW on
International Integration. Itdeclared that, “Proactive and active international
integration is a major strategic orientation of the Party aimed to successfully
implement the task of building and protecting the socialist Fatherland of Viet
Resolution No. 22 underscored the need for Vietnam to
Deliver on international commitments in parallel with proactive, positive
participation in developing and making use of international rules and practices
and participate in activities of the regional and international communities;
proactively propose initiatives and cooperation mechanisms under the mutually
beneficial principle; consolidate and enhance our country's position in the
regional and international communities, actively contributing to the struggle
for peace, national independence, democracy and social progress in the world.[56]
After Politburo Resolution No. 22 was issued the Cabinet adopted an Action Plan
and the Prime Minister issued Directive No. 15/CT-TTg. This led to the
establishment of the National Steering Committee on International Integration
headed by the prime minister. Two major inter-agency Steering Committees were
set up, one on international integration in politics, security, and national
defense, the second had responsibility for international integration in the
areas of culture and society, science and technology and education and training.
Vietnam was a keen
participant in the negotiations on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) as well
as ASEAN’s Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). Vietnam recently
joined Eurasian Economic Union comprising Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and
In 2015, Vietnam’s Ministry of
Foreign Affairs issued a Diplomatic Bluebook that reviewed Vietnam’s
efforts at proactive international integration over the past year. As a member
of the United Nations, Vietnam was elected to the Board of Governors of the
International Atomic Energy Agency (2013-15), Human Rights Council (2014-16),
the Executive Board of the United Nations Organization for Education, Science
and Culture or UNESCO (2015-19), and the UN’s Economic and Social Council
(2016-18). Vietnam has also announced that it will be a candidate for
non-permanent member of the Security Council for the 2020-21 term.
The center-piece of Vietnam’s
regional integration is ASEAN and ASEAN-centered multilateral institutions.
Vietnam became a member of the ASEAN Regional Forum in 1994 and a full member of
ASEAN the following year. Vietnam has actively participated in the ASEAN Defense
Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM), the ASEAN Maritime Forum (AMF), the Expanded AMF,
Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), and the East Asia Summit. In 2010 Vietnam hosted the
inaugural meeting of the ADMM-Plus. Vietnam was the coordinator for
ASEAN-European Union relations for 2012-15 and is currently coordinator for
ASEAN-India relations (2015-18).
At the bilateral level Vietnam has
signed strategic partnership agreements with five of ASEAN’s ten members:
Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines and Malaysia. After the election
of new state leaders in May 2016, President Tran Dai Quang visited Brunei and
Part 6 Implications for the United States
Since 1995 Vietnam has emerged as a key member of ASEAN and both Vietnam and the
United States have shared interests in strengthening ASEAN as a regional
association. Likewise, both Vietnam and the United States have shared interests
in maritime security in the South China Sea, including freedom of navigation and
overflight. Both share the same policy position that territorial disputes should
be settled peacefully without the threat of use of force on the basis of
international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Vietnam and the United States share similar views on international issues such
as nuclear non-proliferation, countering violent extremism, and mitigating the
effects of climate change.
Both Vietnam and the United States share a common interest in Vietnam’s
stability and economic development. The United States is Vietnam’s largest
export market and Vietnam enjoys a massive trade surplus of U.S. $30.9 billion
(compared with a trade deficit with China of U.S. $32.3 billion). Vietnam was a
keen participant in TPP negotiations, a major goal of President Obama’s
rebalance to Asia policy.
Despite wide area of convergence U.S. and Vietnamese interests are not
For example, Vietnam wants the U.S. formally to designate Vietnam as a market
economy so it can have greater access to the American market. The United States
has not done so because it is concerned about the privileged role of state-owned
enterprises in Vietnam’s socialist market economy. The U.S. views the promotion
of democratic values, human rights and religious freedom as reinforcing
political stability and development. Vietnam, however, harbors suspicions that
the United States seeks to overthrow Vietnam’s one-party system through
“peaceful evolution.”
Even in the area of defence and security, where U.S. and Vietnamese strategic
interests have increasingly converged in recent years, their interests are not
congruent. Vietnam seeks to leverage its strategic partnerships with the major
powers to bolster its foreign policy of independence and self-reliance. Vietnam
generally has supported President Obama’s policy of rebalancing toward the
Asia-Pacific. Senior Vietnamese officials welcome the presence of the U.S. Navy
in the South China Sea as long as it contributes, in Hanoi’s view, to regional
peace and security. However, Vietnam’s defense policy of “three no’s” restricts
the extent to which it will cooperate with the United States to constrain China.
Vietnam and the United States are both wary of Sino-Russian collaboration in the
Asia-Pacific. Vietnam, however, has good relations with Moscow while Washington
does not. Russian naval vessels have been given special access to the military
port at Cam Ranh Bay, while the other major powers are permitted to visit the
Cam Ranh International Port and presently are restricted to one naval port visit
a year. In 2015 Vietnam’s defense policy of “three no’s” was put under strain
when Russian military refuelling aircraft at Cam Ranh Bay serviced Bear bombers
that conducted provocative flights near U.S. military facilities on Guam.[58]
The comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and the United States provides a
firm foundation for the future development of bilateral relations under the next
U.S. Administration. This was illustrated by the visit of Dinh The Huynh to
Washington from October 24-30, 2016 at the invitation of Secretary of State John
Huynh is the standing member of the VCP Central Committee’s Secretariat and a
likely candidate to become the next party Secretary General.
Huynh called on the United States to “foster comprehensive cooperation for
development by increasing visits at all levels, expanding consultation
mechanisms on issues of shared concern and boosting the effectiveness of
existing cooperation mechanisms.”[60]
Huynh specifically called for the enhancement of “economic, trade and investment
partnerships” and the strengthening of cooperation in “science, education,
health care, environment, infrastructure connectivity, renewable energy, and
climate change response… defence-security links… people-to-people exchanges,
while prioritising the settlement of war consequences and humanitarian aid.”[61]
Huynh noted that Vietnam’s National Assembly was preparing to ratify the TPP and
called on the United States to accelerate its ratification. Huynh also expressed
the hope that the United States “will soon recognise Vietnam’s economy as a
market economy, open its market to more Vietnamese agricultural products, and
reduce trade barriers.”[62]
Huynh reiterated Vietnam’s willingness “to work with the US and relevant
countries to boost ASEAN’s central role and build ASEAN-led mechanisms to form
regional architecture in the 21st century.”[63]
Significantly Huynh welcomed “the active role of countries inside and outside
the region, including the US, in keeping peace and stability in the East Sea”
and urged the U.S. to continue its collaboration with countries in the
Asia-Pacific region.[64]
Finally, Huynh invited the next U.S. president to visit Vietnam in 2017 when
Vietnam hosts the APEC Summit.
sum, Vietnam and the United States share a convergence of strategic interests
but these interests are not congruent. While Vietnam’s policies towards the
United States seem clear it is up to the next U.S. president to clarify whether
there will be continuity or marked change in the U.S. policy of rebalancing to
the Asia-Pacific.
Carlyle A. Thayer, “Mono-Organizational Socialism and the State,” in
Benedict J. TriaKerkvliet and Doug J. Porter, eds.,Vietnam’s Rural
Transformation. Boulder: Westview Press. 39-64.
Salemink, “Translating, Interpreting, and Practicing Civil Society in
Vietnam: A Tale of Calculated Misunderstandings”, in David Lewis and
David Mosse, eds, Development Brokers and Translators: The
Ethnography of Aid and Agencies (Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press
Inc., 2006), p. 102.
officialdom shied away from using the term NGO for domestic
organizations because, when literally translated into Vietnamese (to
chuc phi chinhphu) it sounded very much like the Vietnamese word for
anarchy, vochinhphu. In other words, in Vietnamese the term NGO
implied estrangement if not opposition to the state.
empirical survey conducted in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City recorded more
than seven hundred “civic organizations” most of which had been
established after 1986; JoergWischermann and Nguyen QuangVinh, “The
Relationship between Civic and Governmental Organizations in Vietnam:
Selected Findings”, in Ben J. TriaKerkvliet, Russell H. K. Heng and
David W. H. Koh, eds.,Getting Organized in Vietnam: Moving in and
around the Socialist State (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian
Studies, 2003), p. 186.
“Mono-Organizational Socialism and the State,” 54.
legal documents included: Decree 35/CP (1992) “On Some Measures to
Encourage Scientific and Technological Activities”; Decree 29/1998/ND-CP
(May 11, 1998); Decree 71/1998/ND-CP (September 8, 1998); Decree
07/1999/ND-CP (February 13, 1999); Decree 177 (1999) on charity and
social funds; and Law on Science and Technology (2000).
A. Thayer, “Political Dissent and Political Reform in Vietnam,
1997-2002,” in Claudia Derichs and Thomas Heberer, eds. The Power of
Ideas: Intellectual Input and Political Change in East and Southeast
Asia (Copenhagen S: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press, 2006),
May 2007, it was estimated that there were 15.8 million Internet users
in Vietnam or nineteen per cent of Vietnam’s population. This figurew
was higher than the world average of 16.9% per cent. Since 1997 when
connections were made to the global computer network, usage has risen at
an annual rate of thirty-six per cent. Of Vietnam’s 15.8 million users,
4.4 million were subscribers including 677,000 on broadband. The
Ministry of Public Security did its best to block political sites that
covered such issues as democracy, human rights, religious freedom and
the China-Vietnam border. Curiously, sites featuring pornography were
unaffected. In 2008 there were an estimated 1.1 million bloggers in
Vietnam, according to Le Doan Hop, Minister of Information and
Communications (ThanhNien, August 7, 2008, 3).
Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Ministry of National Defence, Vietnam
National Defence (Hanoi: NhaXuat Ban The Gioi, December 2009), 23.
Republic of Vietnam, Vietnam National Defence, 21-22.
Gareth Porter, “The Transformation of Vietnam’s Worldview: From Two
Camps to Interdependence,” Contemporary Southeast Asia, 12:1,
June 1990, 1-19; Carlyle A. Thayer, “Indochina,” in Desmond Ball and
Cathy Downes, eds.,Security and Defence: Pacific and Global
Perspectives (Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1990), 403.. Nguyen Huu Cat,
“Viet Nam Hoi NhapvaoKhuVuc vi HoaBinhvaPhatTrien,” NghienCuu Dong
Nam A, February 1996, 28-29; Chu Van Chuc, “Qua
NghienCuuQuocTe, 2004, 3:58, 9, 3-11; Luu Doan Huynh, “Vietnam-ASEAN
Relations in Retrospect: A Few Thoughts,” Dialogue + Cooperation,
2004, 1, 23-31; Nguyen DyNien, “ChinhSach Van Hoat Dong
DoiNgoaiTrongThoiKyDoiMoi,”Tap Chi Cong San, 17(740), September
2005, 31-37; Phan Doan Nam, “NgoaiGiao Viet Nam Sau 20 Nam DoiMoi,”
Tap Chi Cong San, 14(760), July 2006, 26-30; and
Carlyle A.
Thayer, “Vietnamese
Foreign Policy: Multilateralism and the Threat of Peaceful Evolution,”
in Carlyle A. Thayer and Ramses Amer, eds., Vietnamese Foreign Policy
in Transition(Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,
1999), 1-24
Communist Party of Vietnam, 7th National Congress Documents
(Hanoi: Vietnam Foreign Languages Publishing House. 1991), 134; Carlyle
A. Thayer, “Indochina,” in Ramesh Thakur and Carlyle A. Thayer, eds.,Reshaping
Regional Relations: Asia-Pacific and the Former Soviet Union
(Boulder: Westview Press, 1993), 221; and Vu Khoan, “Mot so van de
quoctecuadai hoi VII quan,” in Bo NgoaiGiao, Hoi nhapquoctevagiuvung
ban sac (Hanoi: Nhaxuat ban chinh tri quocte, 1995), 75.
Party of Vietnam, 7th National Congress Documents, 135.
Carlyle A. Thayer, “Internal Southeast Asian Dynamics: Vietnam’s
Membership in ASEAN,” in HadiSoesastro and Anthony Bergin, eds.,The
Role of Security and Economic Cooperation Structures in the Asia Pacific
Region: Indonesian and Australian Views (Jakarta: Centre for
Strategic and International Studies, 1996), 78-88 and Carlyle A. Thayer,
“Vietnamese Diplomacy, 1975-2015: From Member of the Socialist Camp to
Proactive International Integration,” Journal of Social Sciences and
Humanities, 1(3), 2015, 194-214.
Carlyle A. Thayer, “The Tyranny of Geography: Vietnamese Strategies to
Constrain China in the South China Sea,” Contemporary Southeast Asia,
33(3), 2011, 348-369 and Carlyle A. Thayer, “Vietnam’s Strategy of
‘Cooperating and Struggling’ with China over Maritime Disputes in the
South China Sea,” Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs,
3(2), 2016, 200-220.
Carlyle A. Thayer, “South China Sea: Memorializing the 1974 Battle of
the Paracels,”
Consultancy Background Brief,
January 13, 2014.
Van Dinh, ed., This Nation and Socialism Are One: Selected Writings
of Le Duan, First Secretary, Central Committee, Vietnam Workers’ Party
(Chicago: Vanguard Books, 1976).
“Vietnam: Changing Models of Legitimation,” in MuthiahAlagappa, ed.,
Political Legitimacy in Southeast Asia: The Quest for Moral Authority
(Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995), 263-264. Vasavakul argues
that legitimacy at this time was based on collective leadership in the
party based on “power sharing among key personalities and political
Carlyle A. Thayer, “Vietnamese Perspectives on International Security:
Three Revolutionary Currents,” in Donald H. McMillen, ed., Asian
Perspectives on International Security (London: Macmillan
Press, 1984), 57-76.
Alexander L. Vuving, “Vietnam: A Tale of Four Players,” in Daljit Singh,
ed., Southeast Asian Affairs 2010 (Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies, 2010), 367-391.
This phrase was coined by David Brown a Vietnamese speaking former U.S.
Carlyle A. Thayer, “Political Dissent and Political Reform in Vietnam,
1997-2002,” in Claudia Derichs and Thomas Heberer, eds. The Power of
Ideas: Intellectual Input and Political Change in East and Southeast
Asia, NIAS Studies in Asian Topics No. 36 (Copenhagen S: Nordic
Institute of Asian Studies Press, 2006), 115-132.
Carlyle A., Thayer, ”Political Legitimacy of Vietnam’s One Party-State:
Challenges and Responses,”
of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
[Hamburg: Institute of Global and Area Studies], 2009, 28(4), 47-70 and
Carlyle A. Thayer, “Vietnam and the Challenge of Political Civil Society,” Contemporary
Southeast Asia, 31(1), April 2009, 1-27.
A. Thayer, “Vietnam’s Regional Integration: Domestic and External
Challenges to State Sovereignty,” in Stephanie Balme and Mark Sidel,
eds.,Vietnam’s New Order: International Perspectives on the State and
Reform in Vietnam (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), 31-50;
Thayer, ”Political Legitimacy of Vietnam’s One Party-State: Challenges
and Responses,” and Thayer, “Vietnam
and the Challenge of Political Civil Society.”
Do Dan Chu Cho Viet-Nam Nam 2006,” April 8, 2006. One signatory to the
April 6th appeal withdrew, and three new signatories were
added for a total of 118.
Rights Watch, “Vietnam: Fledgling Democracy Movement Under Threat,” May
10, 2006.
Matt Steinglass, ‘Dissident Numbers Grow in Vietnam’, Voice of America,
October 16, 2006.
‘Vietnam Nervous Over Emerging Pro-Democracy Voices’, Radio Free Asia,
September 29, 2006.
“Vietnam, China in $1.6 bln bauxite/alumina deal,” November 22, 2006.
Seth Mydans, “War Hero in Vietnam Forces Government to Listen,” The
New York Times, June 28, 2009.
France Presse, “Vietnamese war hero fires salvo over mining plan, May 7,
Nguyen TrongVinh, “Kinhgui: Cac dong chi uyvien Bo Chinh Tri, dong
kinhgui: Thu Tuongvacac Pho Thu Tuong China Phu” (To Comrade mem-bers of
the Politburo, copy to the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers),
Jason Morris, “The Vietnamese Bauxite Mining Controversy: the Emergence
of a New Oppositional Politics,” PhD Thesis, The University of
California at Berkeley, 2013, 169.
“Protecting environment is a Christian’s duty, Cardinal says,”
May 29, 2009 and “Harsh treatment of Vietnam government against
Catholics, why?,”
3, 2009.
Deutsche PresseAgentur, ”Vietnamese court rejects lawsuit againstprime
minister,” June 23, 2009.
Deutsche PresseAgentur, “Vietnamese premier sued again over bauxite
projects,” July 4, 2009.
Hoang, “Vietnam bauxite plan opens pit of concern,” AsiaTimes,
March 16, 2009.
Deutsche Press Agentur, “Vietnam prime minister back controversial
aluminium project,” August 19, 2009 and Vietnam News Agency, “PM asks
bauxite mining to ensure sustainable development,” August 19, 2009.
Deutsche Press Agentur, “Authorities fined six Chinese companies for
failing to obtain work permits for workers at controversial
bauxiteproject,” May 13, 2009.
Bill Hayton, The South China Sea: The Struggle for Power in Asia
(New Haven, Yale University Press, 2014), 124-130.
The agenda included the review of the implementation of previous
resolutions on developing an advanced culture and a vote of confidence
on government ministers, the pilot project on holding direct elections
to people’s committees at ward level, and draft policy documents and
electoral procedures for the forthcoming twelfth national party
Thayer, “4 Reasons China Removed Oil Rig HYSY-981 Sooner Than Planned,”
The Diplomat, July 22, 2014.
Carlyle A. Thayer,“Vietnam On the Road to Global Integration: Forging
Strategic Partnerships Through International Security Cooperation,” in
Vietnam on the Road to Integration and Sustainable Development,
The Fourth International Conference on Vietnamese Studies. Hanoi:
Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences and Vietnam National University,
2012. 206-214.
Carlyle A.
Thayer, “The
Russia-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership,” East Asia Forum,
October 9, 2012.
Tran Van Minh, “Medvedev: Vietnam Close to Deal with Russian-Led Trade
Area,” Associated Press, April 6, 2015; Truong Son, “Vietnam, Russia set
to enhance cooperation in all fields,” ThanhNien Daily, April 7,
2015; “Vietnam, Russia agree to deepen all-around ties, especially in
trade, energy,” TuoiTre News, April 7, 2015; “Medvedev Says Time
for Russia, Vietnam to Use National Currencies in Trade,” Sputnik,
April 7, 2015; Paddy Harris, “Gazprom Neft and Petrovietnam ink upstream
and downstream collaboration,” Oil & Gas Technology, April 7,
2015; Andrew Tully, “Russia Reaches Oil and Gas Agreement With Vietnam,”
Oil Price, April 7, 2015; YurySlyusar, “Vietnam Is a Launch Pad
to Enter the Aviation Market in South-East Asia,” BAviation,
April 7, 2015; Prensa Latina, “Russian Prime Minister concludes visit to
Vietnam,” April 7, 2015; and Vietnam News Agency, “Russian PM advocates
advancing bilateral ties,” VietnamNet, April 8, 2015.
Carlyle A. Thayer, ““Russia-Vietnam Relations,” Global Insider,
WorldPolitics Review, June, 8, 2011.;
Carlyle A. Thayer, “Russian Subs in
Vietnam,” U.S. Naval Institute, August 21, 2012.;
Carl Thayer, “With Russia’s Help, Vietnam
Adopts A2/AD Strategy,” The Diplomat, October 8, 2013.
“Vietnam’s Extensive Strategic Partnership with Japan,” The Diplomat,
October 14, 2014.
four of the Agenda addressed defence cooperation including exchanges of
military delegations, high-level defence officials’ visits, and goodwill
ship port calls by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.
Carl Thayer, “How Vietnam Woos China and India Simultaneously,” The
Diplomat, October 28, 2014.;
and Carl Thayer, “India and Vietnam Advance Their Strategic
Partnership,” The Diplomat, December 11, 2014.
Since 2007, defense cooperation has included high-level visits, an
annual Defense Strategy Dialogue, naval port visits and two lines of
credit totaling US$600 million for defense acquisitions including
Offshore Patrol Vessels.
Thayer, “How Vietnam Woos China and India Simultaneously.”
Thayer, “The U.S.-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership: What’s in a Name?,”
The Strategist, Australian Strategic Policy Institute Blog, July
31, 2013,
Carl Thayer,“The U.S.-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership: What’s in a
Name?,” cogitASIA, Center for Strategic and International
Studies, July 30, 2013.
In October 2011 Vietnam and the United States signed a Memorandum of
Understanding Advancing Bilateral Defense Cooperation that covered main
five areas:
security, search
and rescue,United Nations peacekeeping operations;
humanitarian and
disaster relief, and exchanges between defense universities and research
This statement included twelve areas of cooperation: enhancement of
trust and mutual understanding;collaboration in multilateral fora and
organizations for common interest (ASEAN);
capabilities of defense institutions and militaries to enhance
cooperation, promote security, and address non-traditional security
eexpand defense
trade, potentially including cooperation in production of new
technologies and equipment were possible under current law and
collaboration in maritime security and maritime domain awareness, port
visits, voyage repair visits and facilities;
eexpand training
and educational opportunities at military academic institutions;
search and rescue ,
and HA/DR;
ccapacity building
for UNPKO;
and iinformation
exchanges and best practices, science and defense technology exchanges
Party of Vietnam, Central Executive Committee, Resolution of the
Politburo on International Integration, No. 22-NQ/TW, Hanoi, April 10,
2013, 4.
Party of Vietnam, Resolution of the Politburo on International
Integration, 5.
A. Thayer, “Vietnam and the United States: Convergence but not
Congruence of Strategic Interests in the South China Sea,”
Keynote Address to The Fourth Engaging With Vietnam – An
Interdisciplinary Dialogue Conference, Australian Night, co-sponsored by
the Australian Consulate General, Monash University, and the East-West
Center, Wailana Room, The Hawai’i Imin International Conference Center,
East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 8-9, 2012 and
Thayer, “Vietnam and the United States:
Convergence but Not Congruence of Strategic Interests in the South China
Sea,“ ISN ETZ Zurich, International Relations and Security Network,
February 13, 2013.
Carl Thayer,
“Vietnam’s Cam Ranh Bay Caught in US-Russia Crossfire,” The Diplomat,
March 13, 2015.
A. Thayer, “Vietnam-US Relations: The Duterte Factor,” Thayer
Consultancy Background Brief, October 30, 2016.
“Relations with CPV critical to boosting US-Vietnam ties: John Kerry,”
VietnamNet, October 26, 2016.
“Relations with CPV critical to boosting US-Vietnam ties: John Kerry.”
“Relations with CPV critical to boosting US-Vietnam ties: John Kerry.”
“Relations with CPV critical to boosting US-Vietnam ties: John Kerry.”
“Relations with CPV critical to boosting US-Vietnam ties: John Kerry.”